Knole U3A

More about Us

Knole U3A is an educational charity which promotes life-long learning for the benefit of those no longer in full-time employment. Knole is the newer of two U3As in Sevenoaks and works closely with Sevenoaks U3A to share groups and events.

Knole is an independent charitable organisation with its own constitution and Committee of Trustees.

Every member of a U3A is automatically a member of the Third Age Trust and agrees to uphold its aims.

Aims of Knole U3A

To advance the education of the public and in particular the education of older people no longer in full time gainful employment in Sevenoaks and its surrounding locality.

The Third Age Trust

Knole U3A is affiliated to the Third Age Trust, through its National Office, and pays a capitation fee for each member.

Objects and Priciples of the Third Age Trust

  • To encourage and enable older people no longer in full time paid employment to help each other to share their knowledge, skills, interests and experience.
  • To demonstrate the benefits and enjoyment to be gained and the new horizons to be discovered in learning throughout life.
  • To celebrate the capabilities and potential of older people and their value to society.
  • To make U3As accessible to all older people.
  • To encourage the establishment of U3As in every part of the country where conditions are suitable and to support and collaborate with them

To these ends:

  • U3As collaborate with each other to share expertise and facilities and offer systems of support. They may form themselves into regions or neighbourhood associations

U3As work individually, or together, to establish and support new U3As.

Knole u3a

Registered Charity No. 1166210 

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