Knole U3A

Leisure and diverse topics


Bridge - A mixed ability group.

Card and Board Games - A sociable group who meet for lunch before they play, learning new games and sometimes teaching others. .

Current Affairs The aim is to develop a more comprehensive understanding of current events through discussions and presentations. 

Evening Dining These two groups take turns to organise and book a dinner, with shared conversation and discussion on Saturday evenings.

PlayReading: This is a new group, started in September 2023. We meet on the 2nd Monday of each month from 2.30 -4.30 in Sevenoaks Library, free of all charges. Our aim is to read and enjoy different dramas, especially comedies, and to have the greatest fun.

Simon Claxton

Understanding the Mysteries of Human Behaviour
Understanding the Mysteries of Human Behaviour consists of a
course of 24 lectures with accompanying notes by Professor Mark
Leary (a Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience). Also,
Understanding Human Emotions, which consists of 12 lectures by
Lawrence Reed, [a Professor of Psychology]. The aim is to listen to
the lectures on CDs and then discuss the content.                                                                                                   Meetings 4th Monday 10-12am 

Jenny Burton

Knitting - A group concentrating on knitting (or crocheting) items for charitable organisations.

Lunch Groups - There are two groups one meets in a pub and the other at an agreed venue. 

Mah Jong - Two groups 

Members Out Together (MOT) Three groups meet for a monthly coffee morning to plan outings and activities. 

An advanced group who have experience of Digital Image Manipulation and want to learn about cameras and go out and about to take photographs

Knole u3a

Registered Charity No. 1166210 

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