Knole U3A

Join us!

Membership Fee 

The  membership fee for the full year running from July 1st to June 30th is £16 per person and for anyone joining after March 31st it is reduced to £10. Fees may be paid by cheque, bank transfer or PayPal.

New Members Applications 

Gift Aid                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        If you are a tax payer we can currently recover Gift Aid on your subscription which helps us keep membership fees down.                                                If you join on line and complete the beacon form, it will include a gift Aid declaration section.                                                                                                If you join via either of the other two options,  please download and complete gift aid declaration form                                                                              or to request a form by post please email:

Knole u3a

Registered Charity No. 1166210 

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